JustLove,  Strengthening Families and Resolving Crises

The Future of Work

John Boudreau & Marc Bain
John Boudreau & Marc Bain

On this week’s episode of JustLove, Monsignor Sullivan focuses on ” The Future of Work” with Dr. John Bourdreau, Professor of of Management and Organization at the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business and  USC’s Center for Effective Organization; and Marc Bain  fashion industry journalist for Quartz,  the digitally native news outlet owned by Atlantic Media Company

Msgr. Sullivan and Dr. Boudreau  will be talking about changes that have taken place in the workplace over recent years, and particularly the increase in the number of people employed in the “Gig” economy like Uber. They examine whether such employment opportunities are essentially exploitative or empowering for workers.

Marc and  Msgr. Sullivan will be speaking about how working conditions in the developing world are monitored, and whether there is too much emphasis on corporate transparency and not enough emphasis on outcomes like worker’s rights, work conditions and wages. Marc has done considerable reporting on the garment industry’s supply chain and labor issues in both Bangladesh and China


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